Key Trends from ParkEx

Last week, we spent a couple of days with our industry at ParkEx. It was a great opportunity to interact with other members of our industry, engage in insightful talks and learn about evolving trend within our industry. Here are our top 3 trends from ParkEx.

1) Data

There was a key focus on data and how organisations can use data to optimise parking capacity, revenue streams and make drivers lives easier. The talk ‘Linking It Together’ spoke about utilising the different data sources available to improve customer experience from the perspective of both commercial customers and drivers. Here, we can see a push towards comprehensive applications of data to help improve the customer experience such as providing a platform that drivers are able to choose which parking app they wish to pay with or offering turn-by-turn guidance powered by sensors and AI. At Cleverciti, we offer a comprehensive platform that aligns different data sources, providing insights that allow our customers to be more agile with their parking solutions.

A group of people sat on benches, listening to several key speakers at a parking conference.

2) Collaboration

A continuing trend in the industry is collaboration with 3rd party providers. We saw many instances where organisations collaborated to find innovative solutions to challenging problems. As the environment we operate in changes, with more suburban parking, environmental concerns and changing vehicle requirements such as EV’s, new solutions are required to resolve these challenges. Collaboration is one way of helping to move the industry forward. We have collaborated with several industry partners to resolve issues or challenges they were facing. Find out more here. Want to find out more about what we can do to help resolve your parking issue? Contact us here to start the conversation.

3) Safety

Safety is at the forefront of the industry. Whether it be personal, vehicle or property safety, several players are bringing focus to safety and what we can do to help improve safety. An interesting talk ‘Women In Parking’ looked at both the careers of women in parking but also what we can be doing to improve the safety of women who use carparks or parking spaces. This was coupled with personal and property safety with talks focusing on fire risk in parking structures and protecting frontline enforcement officers. This provided insight into another area of focus for the industry and challenged thinking of what safety means.