Post-pandemic Parking Management: Interview with David Parker

As the US is slowly emerging from the pandemic state, traffic in American cities is picking up again and soon public parking spaces in public areas will be occupied once again. The big question on people’s minds: how can we make sure this ‘transition’ back to normalcy does not lead to more chaos than before? Tech Journalist from the UK, Arti Loftus, ( interviewed our COO David Parker about post-pandemic parking management.

“In many cities, parking areas are a widely poorly-utilized asset whose full potential value is not well understood,” said Parker when asked about the potential value parking spaces hold. In addition to that, approximately 30% of all traffic is search traffic. Eliminate the driver’s need for circling, and you see an immediate improvement to the local environment, eliminating unnecessary emissions.

City Parking

Cleverciti has come up with advanced smart city parking solutions to ensure a seamless return to normalcy for shoppers and commuters, such as the Cleverciti Circ® 360 that wraps around lampposts and provides real-time guidance to the nearest available parking space. The Circ can be connected with other Cleverciti technology, like the Cleverciti Sensor, which applies AI technology to monitor the overall occupancy status of parking spaces. 

With these smart parking applications, Cleverciti takes away the need to circle around a block over and over again until you find a parking spot, leading to a smooth, stress-free arrival experience. This does not only benefit the drivers, but also the businesses around and organizations such as parking operators, cities or civic authorities, as they maximize their return on parking assets and drivers will no longer be discouraged and eventually leave, due to driving around wastefully in search of a parking spot. 

David Parker recently spoke at The Frontier Conference, on a panel called, “Emerging Digital Economies of Cities”.